DO YOU GARDEN? I am researching a book called "My Very First Garden" (about edible gardening... fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.) and need your true stories! Do you have a good (or even bad!) memory about the first garden you ever did? Was it inside in pots, outside when you were a kid, or in a community garden? Did you harvest anything or did the rabbits get it all? Please submit your short but true story to vikkibooks at yahoo dot com by April 27 2010. Your submission implies your consent to use your story and the possibility of (minor) editing. Thanks!

Jay Cutler got traded. Big whoop.

I'm so tired of hearing about the big baby of the Denver Bronco's... Jay Cutler. He threw a tantrum, secretly knowing if he raises a big enough fuss, he'll get traded. Hopefully for more money. Well, as of yesterday, he's been traded to the Chicago Bears. Yeah! Alright!

Can he get over himself now? He gets paid a huge amount of money for being a big ole baby, and people, who work hard all year to afford Bronco's tickets and the mortgage, are SICK OF IT! We're losing our jobs and our houses, worrying about providing for our families, but you have never learned to be an adult.

Grow up, Baby Jay.

Denver, let's get back to the business of living in this economy. Cutler's Chicago's problem now.


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