Here we are, working to reduce our carbon footprint, and we gone and done it. Today, I bought a window unit air conditioner. Last night, our bedroom was 93 degrees at 9 p.m., and only got down to 89 by the time we got up at 4:30 a.m. The fans and swamp cooler aren't helping. When Doug gets home from work today, he'll carry in the a/c from my car (my fibromyalgia is beyond painful!) and set it up. Here's hoping the sales girl didn't steer me wrong.
So here it is 2:30 p.m. and my bedroom registers 92 degrees. So I have to concentrate on helping Doug out with business, (launching the "Backyard Grocery" and "Kid Whispers" sites), help Weslee with schoolwork, and possibly consider having Weslee help me do some laundry. I'm thinking no on the laundry, W has only a few more moments of schoolwork to do (already did geography and history, has just a bit of language arts left), and I can finish the business stuff in 10 minutes if I work hard. Ok... so here I go! Vikki
Update July 16 at 9:30 a.m. - Last night's experiment with the new a/c did NOT work! We started at 93 when Doug got home, plugged in the a/c, found out it puts out more heat from the back than cold air from the front. The temp rose to 98 before we gave up and turned on the swamp cooler to help, then just turned the a/c off all together. At 10:30 it was back down to 92, and at 5:00 a.m. today it was 86. Doug left for work by 5:45, I turned on the swamp cooler and two fans, closed the bedroom door and by 7:15 it was 79. I'm thinking we need to take the a/c back and just keep experimenting with the swamp cooler, windows, and fans. Vikki
Trying to figure out how to make our little farmette somewhat profitable so
Hubby can quit job in a couple of years. Since we might not be getting any
13 years ago
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