DO YOU GARDEN? I am researching a book called "My Very First Garden" (about edible gardening... fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.) and need your true stories! Do you have a good (or even bad!) memory about the first garden you ever did? Was it inside in pots, outside when you were a kid, or in a community garden? Did you harvest anything or did the rabbits get it all? Please submit your short but true story to vikkibooks at yahoo dot com by April 27 2010. Your submission implies your consent to use your story and the possibility of (minor) editing. Thanks!

7/26: Another Saturday of Yard Work

Yesterday, I bought 7 ivy plants, 1 10-foot crabapple tree and the above giant pine (not so giant yet). Doug picked up the drill early this morning from Home Depot - no way he could have dug all of the holes today by himself. Here he's putting the drill bit on the auger.

Here's the hole he made for the pine!

Pine in place with Weslee holding it straight while Doug adds potting soil to give it a good start in life.

I gave the little pine tree a great big soak after we tamped the dirt around it.

Here it is showing, in the background, where the aspen tree stood and died.

We've moved on to the front side yard to make a hole for the 10-foot crabapple tree.

Here's the line-up of ivy and the blue circles I drew so Doug would know where to drill the holes.

And the crabapple and ivy finally went in. Only ... did I forget to mention that of the 7 "ivy" - it's really only 6 ivy and the middle one is a honeysuckle! It actually has blooms and smells heavenly!
I got it when I had to go back to home depot to get more ivy for the north front yard. Couldn't resist!

Here's the new crabapple and pine trees from the south view. That blue blur is Doug! (Different clothes because we'd showered for Doug's mom's visit and lunch.)

Now some more pictures...

See how the unexpected asparagas is coming along? Amazing! It's nestled among the soy bean plants. One is in the bottom left and one is at the top right.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this beautiful bloom. It's possibly a pumpkin. Guess we'll find out in the next month or so.

This is a wonderful little "something" that might also possibly a pumpkin. The leaves are huge as is that bulb-thing. Hoping it's a giant pumpkin!

Doug's mom was amazed at all of the food-greenery we have created in our front and back yards. She took home a freshly-picked yellow straightneck squash, several cherry tomatoes, and some lettuce. We had an enjoyable afternoon with her, and frankly, needed the break from yard work.

That's all for now. I'm quite burnt from my time outside, as well as sore and in desparate need of my chiropractor. Doug is sore and slightly burnt on his arms. Weslee is burnt on his neck but as a kid, quite resiliant and watching "Peter Pan" in the living room. I'm sure I'll be asleep before it's over. Have a wonderful day, all! Vikki


Copyright (c) 2008-2010 VP Lawrence-Williams and Doug Williams - Please respect our art, words and images. You must gain permission to use any images, words or photos on this site. Contact us first. We will determine a usage fee if appropriate. Thank you.