- who is the person to notice the trash needs to be taken out?
- who has to not only cook but also do all of the cleaning? I mean, couldn't someone else at least clean the counters?
- who either puts the groceries away, or has to tell someone to do it?
- who walks by a piece of paper lying on the floor in hopes that someone other than her will notice it, and after a day of constant family traffic, just gives in and picks it up?
- who goes into the bathroom to find that the last person used the last of the toilet paper and didn't bother to think about getting another roll for the next person?
- who notices all of the dog hair on the living room floor and has to either pull out the vacuum cleaner or tell someone to do it?
- who has to bug the kid every 15 minutes to do schoolwork, even tho he's already been warned he's about to lose TV time or all other priviledges? Why can't the kid just do it?!?!
- who notices that the grass trimming needs to be done, and although it's not her job to do yard work, after weeks of bringing it up, just finally takes out clippers and does it herself?
- who gets up at 7 or so on weekends to get the chores and stuff started, even tho she'd like to sleep in like the rest of the family? And no one but her feels guilty about sleeping in?
- who stays up late to write and to work on getting extra money so the family can buy a house more suited to their needs?
- who practically holds the family together... paying bills, refilling soap dispensers, cooking, cleaning, etc. ... and NEVER gets a thank you and very rarely gets any help?
Sometimes, I just want to give up. (Sorry, I had to vent.)
Thank goodness it isn't just me wearing all the hats. I thought I had a lot to do but now that I have taken on a garden and trying to can "stuff" I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at times. And this is on top of working a REAL job. Isn't it great to be a woman? :) GRITS
Me too;
I just put up a sign saying the maid quit and anything not used by me would be thrown out,took two days of them asking where is my ???
I'd say threw it in the trash(but really in a bag hiden in closet):)
now my work is cut down to over half
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