Pic to right: Hubby and Tween in 2007 at a pool.
I hate being hot. Always have. Sisters would lay out in the sun, one would turn blonder and red, and the other would turn into a "little brown bear" which is what we called her. Me? I would lay out but hated it. Got little reddish spots all over me, then burn and peel.
Even when I lived in Tampa, Florida and then Houston, Texas, I hated being hot. So when I had the change to move to Colorado where it at least gets a little cold for 6 months of the year, I jumped at the chance.
Now that I'm here, the weather isn't cooperating. This past Winter (2008/09) we barely had any cold days, barely any snow, and I'm frustrated as hell. Now it's supposedly Spring, and yesterday our high was in the 90's. Today it's supposed to break records by being in the 90's again.
Hello? Mother Earth? Excuse me but ... it's NOT SUMMER YET!!
I got out the swamp cooler, filled it up, turned it on and yes, while it's providing a bit of coolness, it's leaking. Oh great.
Pic to right: Sparky the horse-puppy getting cool in front of the leaking swamp cooler.
Up in the bedrooms, the temp last night at 10 p.m. was 87. That's WITH a swamp cooler going on up there for an hour.
Can't wait until we get the house cleared out to stage to sell so that we can move the office down the basement. It's a little bit cooler than the rest of house. Heck, I might sleep down there during the week (while Hubby is gone).
Someone pass me a pool, please?
Trying to figure out how to make our little farmette somewhat profitable so
Hubby can quit job in a couple of years. Since we might not be getting any
13 years ago
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