DO YOU GARDEN? I am researching a book called "My Very First Garden" (about edible gardening... fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.) and need your true stories! Do you have a good (or even bad!) memory about the first garden you ever did? Was it inside in pots, outside when you were a kid, or in a community garden? Did you harvest anything or did the rabbits get it all? Please submit your short but true story to vikkibooks at yahoo dot com by April 27 2010. Your submission implies your consent to use your story and the possibility of (minor) editing. Thanks!

Another Rant: Rachel Ray

I used to love watching "30-minute meals" with Rachel Ray on the Food Network. I used to like watching her new show on CBS because it still talked about food, and budgeting and meal planning, and so forth.

The other day, I turn on her show, and it has a dance contest! There are episodes with barely any discussion about food-related topics. She has on celebrity guests and don't talk about food. Weddings, hair styles, human labs (again, non-food-related) and so on. When she does her food segments, they are usually not all that healthy, or are misguided. Kids eating cooked veggies willingly? Not the usual thing. And the budget meals are still $20 or so for a meal for 4-6 people. Not really in touch with people's budgets, is she?

I don't watch the Rachel Ray Show any more.

And why do I keep getting google ads for the "rachel ray diet" on every one of our blogs? She doesn't talk on her show about a special diet she created. And the meals she prepares aren't usually healthy. Salt and pepper in everything. Pasta, bread. I admit some of her recipes look good and healthy, but those are few and far between.

I just had to rant.


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