Here's today's "Take a Moment": Favorite Food
What is your absolute, must-have, favorite food? Chocolate? Pizza? Burgers? Carrot Cake? Fish and Chips? Hot Dogs? Turkey and Dressing? Chicken Nuggets? Sodas and Shakes? Ice Cream?
Why did you choose this as your favorite food? Comfort? Memories? Taste? Additives? Convenience?
If your favorite food isn't healthy, what can we do about it? First, we need to understand that health is wealth in this world. If we are healthy, we can work, and will spend less time at the doctors and less money at the pharmacy. Don't care much for healthy foods? Retrain your palate. That's we're planning to do in the year 2009. Nutrient-dense food feels so satisfying and leaves us feeling full. Junk food makes us crave more junk food.
Plan your schedule around eating. Eat about the same time every day, making sure to ingest something (including snacks) every 3 hours or so. Focus on non-processed foods (unless you've done the processing yourself). Snack on nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies. Eat beans/peas/lentils at least 4-5 times a week.
Give it a try. In 2-3 months, could you answer "what is your favorite food" differently that you did today?
Trying to figure out how to make our little farmette somewhat profitable so
Hubby can quit job in a couple of years. Since we might not be getting any
13 years ago
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