DO YOU GARDEN? I am researching a book called "My Very First Garden" (about edible gardening... fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.) and need your true stories! Do you have a good (or even bad!) memory about the first garden you ever did? Was it inside in pots, outside when you were a kid, or in a community garden? Did you harvest anything or did the rabbits get it all? Please submit your short but true story to vikkibooks at yahoo dot com by April 27 2010. Your submission implies your consent to use your story and the possibility of (minor) editing. Thanks!

10/20: Carrots, Beets, Tomatoes and More

Backyard Grocery:
As darkness began to fall, we harvested the yellow pear tomatoes from inside our front window (where we have 2 grow lights). There were about 30! Guess Doug will be taking tomatoes and leftover radishes with his lunch tomorrow.

Then we went outside where it had been chilly all day, to review our outdoor garden spots. The front yard tomato plants (in the ground and on the porch in pots) yielded several roma tomatoes, red slicers, a couple pink thai and a couple red cherry tomatoes.

On to the back yard! From the soybean bean bed (now with only carrots and lettuce), we pulled some atomic red carrots, creme-colored whitish carrots, and 4 nantes half-core (short) carrots. The kiddie pool bore the last beet, one eggplant that survived last week's frost and last 2 red bunching onions. A tire near the gourd patch: our sweet potato vine, planted kinda late, bore 2 small roots that we'll cook later this week.

We had already cut down the sunflower heads, so we tugged on the stalks and the three of us (dog cowering on the back porch) had a "sword" fight. Then Doug and Weslee used the sunflower stalks to "cut down" (as in pretending they were using a scythe) the dead corn stalks. What fun!

Guess what we had for dinner? Raw carrots, beets, onions, then the guys had chicken parmesan. I've said it before and I'll say it again.... I love knowing I can provide my family's dinner!



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