Doug and I just watched the debate on 9-news (Denver, CO) between Betsy Markey and Marilyn Musgrave, running for the 4th Congressional District. Unbelievable how, even though one candidate stated she'd like to see the mud-slinging stop, the other candidate not only ignored that remark but continued to be mean and nasty in her remarks.
Talk about the economy. About foreclosures and decreasing home values. Talk about ending the war and national health care. Talk about issues that affect us and our basic needs.
When political ads interrupt TV shows, we automatically hit "mute" now. No longer do candidates state what they will do for us, the American citizens. They take every chance possible to demolish reputations and cast doubt. When was the last time we saw a political commercial giving good information about a candidate's plan? It's been a while but we're not quite sure because WE MUTE!!
How can we teach our almost 12-year-old how to be a good and nice person when he hears commercials and these debates of mean and nasty mudslinging campaigns?
Trying to figure out how to make our little farmette somewhat profitable so
Hubby can quit job in a couple of years. Since we might not be getting any
13 years ago
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