What wonderful goodies from our garden today! We just couldn't wait any longer for that red bell pepper so even tho there was still a strip of green, we pulled it and ate it. Yummy. Then there's the yellow squash (into the fridge), 3 romas from the front (fridge), the big red slicer (see dinner pic below) and look at that beautiful cucumber! When I picked it and showed it to Weslee, he said "cool pickle!". Well, it DOES look pickled already. Now to the bumpy yellow/green squash: we have NO idea what this could be.... possibly a cross between a straightneck yellow squash and an zucchini? We cut it (see below) and ate it; tastes like a normal squash.
Couldn't resist having this for dinner. Have been planning this meal since we saw the slicer tomato began to turn red. So I hit King Sooper's today and for the first time in a long time, bought fresh sliced bread (NOT day-old), and turkey bologna. Sliced the gorgeous tomato, sliced the red bell pepper, and the odd-looking squash. Didn't take a picture of the split-pea soup that was cooking in the crockpot. Yummy.
Here's an updated pic of the corn beds - the three sisters plus sunflowers. Beans are beginning to show. The squash and pumpkins have suddenly burst forth and the vines are spreading across the yard. Plus, this evening, we saw our first corn stalk with actual silks! That's good, right?
If I'm remembering correctly as to where this pic was taken (backyard), this is a little "sugar baby" watermelon. There are suddenly about 3 this size and about 10 ranging in size from my pinky-fingernail to a quarter. Doug and I love watermelon, plus I plan on dehydrating some (what a very sweet treat) so this is very good news. However, one vine was trying to escape through the fence to our main street so I had to pull it in. Nearly lost a little melon.

There are a lot of these yellow gourds (suddenly) in our front yard. The one vine has about 3 as big as my fist, and quite a few smaller and just beginning. This is where the fox had dug up everything and scattered it across the yard, along with the labels. So we really don't know what this is. Patience. What a waiting game!
However, the rain predicted for today (same as for yesterday) still hasn't shown up yet, and it's almost 8 p.m. Guess if it doesn't rain by tomorrow morning, we'll have to water.
So glad tomorrow is Friday. I plan to watch the Olympics' opening ceremony. Sounds very interesting. As an offshoot, can you believe that "President Bush" had the audacity to make the comment about civil rights for China - just a short bit before he plans to attend the opening ceremony for the Olympics and the basketball game between the USA and China. Has he really no conscience? Is he trying to start something?
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